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Zinc, its effects and what you should know

Many of our Viproactive® products contain zinc. For specific reasons beneficial to your health, we combine this particular trace element with your daily dietary supplement.

Zink, seine Wirkungen und was Sie wissen sollten.

What is zinc? What effects does zinc have on our body?

Zinc is considered an essential mineral because the body cannot produce or store this nutrient. On the other hand, zinc is naturally abundant in many foods and plants. For this reason, our body must absorb the zinc through food. As a necessary trace element, zinc is responsible for many functions in the human body, including:

  • Genetic Processes

  • Enzyme reaction

  • Support of the immune function

  • Protein and DNA formulation

  • Healing processes

  • Body growth and development

The role of zinc for the body

1. Strengthening of the immune system

Zinc plays an important role in protecting and boosting the immune system. Zinc deficiency can lead to its weakened reactions. A dietary supplement with zinc stimulates the immune cells and reduces the oxidative stress response.

The respective studies have shown that taking 80 to 92 mg of zinc per day can reduce the duration of a cold by 33%. Zinc supplementation is particularly important for risk groups (elderly people, pregnant women) because it reduces the Immunabwehr gestärkt  and significantly reduce the risk of infection.


2. Acceleration Of Wound Healing

In hospitals, zinc is often used to treat burns and other skin wounds. This mineral plays an important role in collagen formation, the inflammatory response, and of course, immune function. Speaking of which, our skin contains a relatively high proportion - around 5% - of the body's zinc content.

While zinc deficiency can slow wound healing, zinc supplementation can speed healing of open wounds. This mineral shows great effectiveness in treating wounds in diabetics.

3. Zinc Slows Down The Progression Of The Aging Process

Zinc can significantly reduce the risk of age-related diseases such as pneumonia, infections and macular degeneration in older people.

 Zink Rolle: Alterungsprozess

Zinc helps reduce oxidative stress and improve immune response by increasing the activity of the T cell group that protects the body from infection.

In fact, one study found that a daily supplement of 45 mg of zinc reduced infection rates older people could decrease by up to 66%.

In addition, a large study of 4,200 people showed that daily intake of antioxidants - vitamin E, vitamin C and beta-carotene - supplemented with 80 mg of zinc, inhibited vision loss and reduced the risk of progressive AMD (age-related macular degeneration).

4. Zinc Works Against Acne

Nobody wants bad facial skin. Acne is a typical skin disease. It is promoted by blocking the oil-producing skin glands that cause bacteria and skin inflammation.

Studies show that zinc treatments can effectively treat acne by reducing inflammation, inhibiting the growth of Propionibacterium acnes and inhibiting the activities of the sebaceous glands.

Which foods contain zinc?

In fact, foods that contain the zinc are extremely diverse, including foods of both plant and animal origin.

The foods that contain the most zinc include:

  • Shellfish: oysters, crabs, mussels, lobsters

  • Meat: beef, pork, lamb

  • Poultry: turkey, chicken

  • Fish: halibut, sardines, salmon

  • Legumes: Green beans, black beans, kidney beans

  • Nuts: pumpkin seeds, cashew nuts, hemp seeds

  • Dairy products: milk, yogurt and cheese

  • Egg

  • Whole grains: oats, quinoa, brown rice

  • Vegetables: mushrooms, collards, peas, asparagus and turnip greens

Please always remember to have an adequate intake of zinc to avoid an overdose that could have a negative impact on your functional health.

In addition to getting zinc from your diet, you can always use supplements containing this great mineral. Because of zinc's multiple effects on your health, it is added to your daily doses to help maintain your well-being.

Viproactive Collection

Bei der Herstellung von Viproactive®  Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln haben wir sorgfältig passende Vitamine und Mineralstoffe kombiniert. Zink ist in einer Vielzahl von Schaeffer Nutraceuticals Produkten wie Viproactive® ImmuniPlus, Viproactive® 50+, Viproactive® Complex, Viproactive® Pinea enthalten. Diese Nahrungsergänzungsmittel unterstützen Sie bei verschiedenen gesundheitlichen Zielen. Eines bleibt jedoch unverändert: Unser Wunsch Ihnen hohe Qualität und Zufriedenheit zu garantieren.

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