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Against leg cramps and heaviness

Almost everyone experiences the sudden, sharp pain of leg cramps from time to time.

They generally fall into three categories: those that result from training, those that result from awkward leg position, and those that come out of nowhere. The most dreaded kind of out of nowhere are cramps that occur while you sleep. The pain pulls you out of bed and the disrupted sleep makes it difficult for you to be productive the next day.

There are things you can do to reduce the likelihood of stress cramps before and after a workout. Stretching before cardio or weightlifting loosens up stiff muscles, reducing the risk of cramps. So, do warm-up exercises - light activities to relax your muscles before turning to strenuous exercise. The same goes for warm-downs—lighter exercises that gradually cool down your muscles so you can avoid cramping once the more intense workout is over. Post-workout massages and trips to spas or saunas can also reduce the likelihood that you'll experience cramps the next time you work out.

Almost everyone experiences the sudden, sharp pain of leg cramps from time to time.

They generally fall into three categories: those that result from training, those that result from awkward leg position, and those that come out of nowhere. The most dreaded kind of out of nowhere are cramps that occur while you sleep. The pain pulls you out of bed and the disrupted sleep makes it difficult for you to be productive the next day.

There are things you can do to reduce the likelihood of stress cramps before and after a workout. Stretching before cardio or weightlifting loosens up stiff muscles, reducing the risk of cramps. So, do warm-up exercises - light activities to relax your muscles before turning to strenuous exercise. The same goes for warm-downs—lighter exercises that gradually cool down your muscles so you can avoid cramping once the more intense workout is over. Post-workout massages and trips to spas or saunas can also reduce the likelihood that you'll experience cramps the next time you work out.

A dietary supplement taken regularly can help people with cramps or leg problems that occur more often than they should, especially night cramps. Schaeffer Nutraceuticals has developed Viproactive® Pinea for these problems. It contains a range of vitamins, minerals and plant extracts that are designed to keep muscles relaxed and flexible.

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