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Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency: What You Need to Know!

Vitamin D plays an important role in the healthy functioning of your body. A lack of vitamin D can lead not only to diseases of the skeletal system, but also to some serious health problems such as diabetes, cancer.

Vitamin D

1. Vitamin D Functions

Vitamin D is important for strong bones as it helps the body absorb calcium from the meal. Vitamin D deficiency - when vitamin D levels in the body are too low - can cause bones to become thin, brittle, or misaligned. Vitamin D is also involved in insulin production and immune function.

The recommended dietary intake of vitamin D for adults (RDA) is 600 IU/day. And that number can be as high as 800 IU/day for people over 70 years old. In order to reach this level, it is necessary to choose foods rich in vitamin D. For example salmon, tuna.

For most adults, vitamin deficiencies are not a cause for concern. However, balancing your vitamin D intake every day improves your functional health.

2. Reason for vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency can occur because:

  • The recommended amount of vitamin D is not consumed. This can happen when your body is not being provided with natural food sources rich in vitamin D, including fish, fish oil, egg yolks, milk, etc.

  • Cloudy weather and rare sunny days as well as being outside less often can reduce exposure to the sun. Sun produces vitamin D (also known as the sun vitamin) and is absorbed by our body through the skin.

  • The digestive system does not absorb enough vitamin D. Some people may have medical conditions such as Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis, and celiac disease that can affect the gut's ability to absorb vitamin D from food.

  • Overweight people suffering from obesity may have low levels of vitamin D in their blood.

3. Signal for vitamin D deficiency:

Often sick or infected

One of vitamin D's most important roles is to keep the immune system healthy. The most common sign of vitamin D deficiency is therefore an increased risk of disease or infection.

Vitamin D interacts directly with the cells responsible for fighting infection. If you get sick frequently, especially with colds or the flu, low vitamin D levels are one of the contributing factors.

Vitamin D has been shown to reduce respiratory infections. In the Corona period, improving your vitamin D intake can strengthen the immune system.


Studies have shown that low levels of vitamin D in the blood can lead to fatigue, which negatively or severely affects the quality of life.

Studies have shown that women with blood levels of vitamin D less than 20 ng/mL were more likely to complain of fatigue than women with blood levels above 30 ng/mL.

Vitamin D Mangel Symptome

Bone and Back Pain

Vitamin D has a strong connection to the skeletal system. A lack of vitamin D can be a factor in the pain.

In one controlled study, people with vitamin D deficiency were twice as likely to have bone pain in their legs, ribs, or joints as people with normal blood levels of vitamin D.

Low bone density is caused by insufficient vitamin D intake over a long period of time. This increases the risk of fractures in older adults, especially women.


Depression can be a sign of vitamin D deficiency.

Seasonal depression can occur, especially in winter. Therefore, it is recommended to consume more vitamin D at such a time of the year.

This post may have expanded your knowledge of vitamin D deficiency. In general, before you start taking the high-dose sun vitamin, have your blood values ​​checked.

Schaeffer Nutraceuticals nutritional supplements contain vitamin D to provide you with a healthy experience. Check out some of our feature products: Viproactive® MagB6, Viproactive® Cardio, Viproactive® 50+, Viproactive® Complex, Viproactive® Immuni Plus.

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